Monday, September 30, 2019
Compare and Contrast the Presentation of Love in the Relationships Between Edgar and Catherine and Catherine and Heathcliff
The two most significant relationships in Catherine's life are with Edgar and Heathcliff; however, they could not be more different. Her relationship with Heathcliff is one of raw, natural passion not social stamina, whereas her marriage to Edgar is one based on convention. Her two lovers come to represent the two conflicting parts of her identity and it is the internal struggle between these conflicting impulses that can be said to lead to her death. As the novel opens, Mr Lockwood says that Heathcliff is a ââ¬Ëdark-skinned gypsy in aspect in dress and manners a gentlemanâ⬠¦ He also observes that Heathcliff will ââ¬Ëlove and hate equally. ââ¬Ë His description of casual violence lack of manners or consideration for other people which characterizes Heathcliff is only a hint of the atmosphere of the whole novel, in which that violence is contrasted with more genteel and civilized ways of living represented by the Lintons. When Nelly Dean begins to narrate the story of Heathcliff's past, she describes him with discrimination. When Heathcliff is first introduced, Mr Earnshaw says ââ¬Ëâ⬠¦ ut you must e'en take it as a gift of God, though it's as dark almost as if it came from the devil. ââ¬Ë Bronti implies early on that Heathcliff has gifts from both God and the Devil (good and bad characteristics). Nelly Dean describes him as a ââ¬Ëdirty, ragged, black-haired child; big enough to walk and talkâ⬠¦ ââ¬Ë she also constantly refers to Heathcliff as ââ¬Ëit'- ââ¬Ëâ⬠¦ Mrs Earnshaw was ready to fling it out of doorsâ⬠¦. [He's a] Gypsy brat', Heathcliff is constantly referred to as if he weren't human. Nelly talks of how he ââ¬Ërepeated over and over again some gibberish that nobody could understandâ⬠¦ ââ¬Ë this portrays him as a wild animal/beast. Catherine and Hindley don't automatically get on with Heathcliff. Catherine ââ¬Ëshowed her humour by grinning and spitting at the stupid little thingâ⬠¦ ââ¬Ë However later on Mrs Dean describes the friends to be ââ¬Ëvery thick. ââ¬Ë Heathcliff's origins are obscure; he was ââ¬Ëfound' and ââ¬ËNot a soul knew to whom [he] belonged. ââ¬Ë Nelly says ââ¬Ëâ⬠¦ they had christened him Heathcliffâ⬠¦.. nd it has served him ever since, both for Christian and surname'; this emphasizes the idea of how low Heathcliff's class is because in the 18th century, the absence of a persons surname exposed a lack of background. Hindley hates Heathcliff from the beginning and the writer comments on how he sees Heathcliff ââ¬Ëas a usurper of his parents' affectionsâ⬠¦ ââ¬Ë This conveys how Heathcliff was favoured above the children. Bronti describes Heathcliff to be ââ¬Ëas uncomplaining as a lambâ⬠¦ ââ¬Ë which persuades the reader to think he is innocent. It is also a biblical phrase as in the bible; lambs were used to portray the innocence and purity of life. Hindley fiercely calls Heathcliff ââ¬Ëan imp of Satan' in contrast to the original idea that he was innocent and corresponds to the idea that Heathcliff has gifts from both God and from the devil. In the next chapter, Catherine and Heathcliff become extremely close. ââ¬ËShe was much too fond of Heathcliff. The greatest punishment we could invent for her was to keep her separate from himâ⬠¦ ââ¬Ë says Nelly showing that the two were inseparable. When Catherine's father dies, Nelly Dean comments on how ââ¬Ëthey both set up a heart breaking cryâ⬠¦ ââ¬Ë this shows that Heathcliff is the only person Catherine can now turn to and that they only have each other to get through the sorrow. In Chapter VI when Heathcliff describes Thrushcross Grange, he says ââ¬Ëit was beautiful, ââ¬â a splendid place carpeted with crimson and crimson-covered chairs and tables and a pure white ceiling bordered by goldâ⬠¦ ââ¬Ë This description creates a heavenly image of splendour especially to Heathcliff who has never seen anything like it before. Bronti uses the drawing room window to symbolize the boundary between the two classes since it divides the two sets of children. The window is the barrier motif shown throughout the novel. When Catherine is accepted into the house and Heathcliff is rejected, this is the end of their childhood innocence and the beginning of their awareness of the difference of class: ââ¬Ëâ⬠¦ and I would have been there too, but they had not the manners to ask me to stayâ⬠¦ ââ¬Ë Earlier on in the novel, Mr Lockwood's describes Wuthering Heights; the house and its furniture are described as plain and ââ¬Ënothing extraordinaryâ⬠¦ he floor was of smooth, white stone; the chairs high-backedâ⬠¦ ââ¬Ë This contrast with the description of the Grange and perhaps Bronti uses this as a metaphor to describe the social context of the inhabitants of both houses. The meeting of the two families begins the ââ¬Ëtug of war' for Catherine between Edgar and Heathcliff. Heathcliff describes Catherine to be attracted to the Lintons and ââ¬Ëfull of stupid admiration' for them suggesting that Catherine's love for Edgar was built on admiration and for what he represents rather than his innate qualities. At the moment when Heathcliff and Catherine's intimacy is on the verge of blossoming into love, social class intrudes into the novel and their affection. As Heathcliff says- ââ¬Ëâ⬠¦ I resumed my station as a spy; because, if Catherine had wished to return, I intended shattering their great glass panes to a million fragments, unless they let her out.. ââ¬Ë This conveys that his love for Catherine is protective and possessive. If the window through which Catherine and Heathcliff first view the Lintons is a metaphor for class division, then Heathcliff vows to smash both the literal and metaphorical boundary between him and Catherine. When Catherine comes back, it is evident that her stay at the Lintons' house was the beginning of the wilting of their relationship because although she is still extremely fond of him, she has realized ââ¬Ëhow very black and cross' and how ââ¬Ëfunny and grimâ⬠¦ ââ¬Ë he appeared, and she has also realized that he is ââ¬Ëâ⬠¦ so dirtyâ⬠¦ ââ¬Ë Heathcliff ââ¬Ëdid not stand to be laughed at' and ran away. Catherine has begun to think like the Lintons, and thus begins a thaw in their love. ââ¬ËHeathcliff was hard to discover at first- if he were careless and uncared for before Catherine's absence, he had been ten times more so, sinceâ⬠¦ says Nelly, emphasizing the fact that Catherine had defended and protected Heathcliff in their home. Heathcliff was only cared for if she was there. When Catherine returns home her behaviour is acquired; her attitude and appearance as a ââ¬Ëvery dignified person' show that she has moved into a different sphere; that of the ââ¬Ëgenteel' Lintons. Heathcliff cannot follow her. He tries to follow her, ââ¬Ëâ⬠¦ Nelly make me decentâ⬠¦ ââ¬Ë and he wants to have the effect Edgar has on Catherine: ââ¬ËI wish I had light hair and fair skin, and was dressed and behaved as well, and had a chance of being as rich as he will beâ⬠¦ Although Cathy still cares for the things she did with him during their childhood, she is still under a lot of pressure to become a lady and she is vain enough to enjoy the admiration and approval she receives from Edgar, Hindley and his wife. Just as the window separated the Wuthering heights children from the Lintons in the last chapter, a material object separates Catherine from Heathcliff. The fine dress she wears is a very real boundary between the old friends: it must be sacrificed (smudged and crumpled) if she is to embrace Heathcliff. The dress is also a metaphor for the fact that id Catherine is to associate with Heathcliff, the wildness of her character will be exposed. As Catherine is wants to enjoy both Edgar's admiration and Heathcliff's love, this leads her to ââ¬Ëadopt a double character without exactly intending to deceive anyoneâ⬠¦ ââ¬Ë Edgar represents the side of Catherine that satisfies her vanity and her yearning for social consequence; Heathcliff represents her natural and real emotions. Catherine has to change in order to be loved by Edgar. During one of his visits, she shows her impulsive and impetuous side when she ââ¬Ësnatche[s] the cloth from [Nelly's] hand, and pinche[s] [her]' to the great shock of Edgar who only knows her as ââ¬Ëa very dignified personâ⬠¦ ââ¬Ë It seems as though Catherine's love for Edgar is based on external considerations ââ¬Ëâ⬠¦ you love Mr Edgar because he is handsome and young and loves youâ⬠¦ ââ¬Ë says Nelly. Her love is based on his appearance, his wealth and how he feels towards her. Her love for Heathcliff however is internal; in her heart: she loves him ââ¬Ënot because he's handsome, but because he is more myself than I am. This suggests that Heathcliff represents the person who Catherine actually is whereas Edgar is who Catherine wants to be in terms of social aspirations and consequence. When Catherine tries to explain why she feels she is wrong to marry Edgar, she says she feels it ââ¬ËHere! and Here! ââ¬Ë striking ââ¬Ëone hand on her forehead and the other on her breast' as she does so. This creates another metaphorical boundary, between the external and internal: Catherine's love for Edgar is based on internal qualities but her love for Heathcliff is felt within her body. Cathy's description of her love for Heathcliff shows the contrast between Linton's softness and Heathcliff's wildness: ââ¬ËWhatever our souls are made of, his and mine are the same and Linton's is as different as a moon beam from lightning or frost from fire. ââ¬Ë This is an interesting contrast as ââ¬Ëmoon beam' and ââ¬Ëfrost' are calm and beautiful images, however, they are completely opposite to ââ¬Ëlightning' and ââ¬Ëfire' which are both dangerous and wild things. gall, I never would have raised a hand against himâ⬠¦ I never would have banished him from her society, as long as she desired his. ââ¬Ë Correspondingly, he imagines Catherine's affection for Edgar in terms of property: ââ¬ËHe is scarcely a degree dearer to her than her dog, or her horse. It is not in him to be loved like me. ââ¬Ë Material wealth has always been associated with the Lintons, so Heathcliff extends ideas of property and ownership to their emotions as well. Heathcliff's reunion with Catherine is presented as bittersweet: though passionately glad to be reunited, Catherine accuses Heathcliff of having killed her. Heathcliff warns her not to say such things when they ââ¬Ëwill be branded in [his] memory and eating deeper eternally' after her death. He also says that she had been at fault for abandoning him: ââ¬Ëwhy did you betray you own heart Cathy? You deserve thisâ⬠¦ ââ¬Ë This passionate scene between Catherine and Heathcliff in this chapter is probably the emotional climax of the novel though it only marks the middle of the book. It is as though they were members (who belong together) of a different species from other humans. Ellen says: ââ¬Ëthe two, to a cool spectator, made a strange and fearsome picture. ââ¬Ë Catherine tears Heathcliff's hair, and he leaves bruises on her arm. Later, ââ¬Ëhe foamed like a mad dog, and gathered her to him with greedy jealousy. ââ¬Ë ââ¬Ë[Ellen] did not feel as though [she] were in the company of a member of [her] own species. ââ¬Ë What Ellen considers as bestial, the lovers would probably consider transcendent; their love sets them apart from others but in what way is open to interpretation. When Catherine dies, Bronti creates a contrast between the ways the two men react to her death. Edgar Linton had his head laid on a pillow and his eyes shutâ⬠¦ ââ¬Ë this shows that he is mourning silently and calmly but, Heathcliff ââ¬Ëdashed his head against the knotted trunk, and lifting up his eyes howled not like a man but like a savage beast getting goaded to death with knives and spearsâ⬠¦ ââ¬Ë This harsh diction portrays Heathcliff's pain, torment and anger at Catherine's death. Bronti uses this language to show that Catherine was Heathcliff's other half; without her (his beloved), half of his soul was missing. The comparison between Edgar's peaceful mourning and Heathcliff's declaration of love again refers to the difference of their emotions and their contrasting natures. The question of what happens after death is important in this chapter and throughout the novel; though no firm answer is given. Ellen is convinced that Catherine went to heaven, ââ¬Ëwhere life is boundless in its duration, and love in its sympathy, joy in its fullness. ââ¬Ë Heathcliff however, cannot conceive of Catherine finding peace whilst they are still separated, or of his living without her. In the chapter before, Catherine said ââ¬ËI'm wearying to escape into that glorious world and to be always there; not seeing it dimly through tears and yearning for it through the walls of an aching heart, but really with it and in it. ââ¬Ë It is as though she had in mind a heaven that was like the moors in everyway but with the spirits of natural freedom. Eighteen years after her death, Heathcliff's continued love for Catherine's dead body paradoxically emphasizes the physical, yet non-physical nature of their relationship. This all-consuming love is revealed when he explains how he tried to dig up her body on the day she was buried. Heathcliff is pleased to see that Catherine still looks like herself after eighteen years but claims that if she had been ââ¬Ëdissolved into earth or words,' he would have still been happy. His idea of heaven is to be completely united with Catherine in body, as well as in spirit and this could just as well mean to disintegrate into dust together as to be joined in the act of love. In the final two chapters, we are given an extraordinary window into Heathcliff's mind in the chapter. Whenever he looks at something, he sees Catherine in it; he hears her voice in every sound. This is Bronti's idea of true haunting, which seems to resemble madness rather than scary noises in the dark. If the ghost of Catherine is at work, she has found her home in Heathcliff's mind and her vocation is distorting his perception and his ability to communicate with the outside world. The presentation of love in the relationships between Catherine and Edgar and Catherine and Heathcliff are clearly profoundly contrasting. Heathcliff represents passion and nature, whereas Edgar represents culture. These two characteristics symbolize the duality in Cathy's own personality and it is her struggle between the two conflicting impulses that eventually consumes her. However, when Heathcliff and Edgar die and are both buried alongside Catherine, we can see how Bronti portrays that the two men will always have a place in her heart.
Sunday, September 29, 2019
Observation Essay
Asian game was running in Inches. Since my friend from Hong Kong Is one of the representatives for Hong Kong girl squash team, and I wanted to watch any of the Aslant game matches, therefore, I chose to watch squash competition at last. It was on the 24th September. The competition was held in Hourly Squash Court. I took the wrong line of the subway since it was quite far from SHCOON and still, I was not too familiar with the subway system. As I interchanged station In Guru to Donnas of blue line 1, I saw a slight difference for people In the train from the milliamp green line 2.There were more elderly In the train. I was surprised to be asked to sit down by a kind lady. I felt like people have warmer hospitality than those from the city centre. After I entered the competition venue, I sit in front of the court that Hong Kong was playing with China. There were a few spectators as I expected. As know, squash is not a popular sport among all so it is really common to have a few spectat ors. There were 4 courts undergoing competitions In the venue. I looked around and I was shocked to see at the middle of the venue, there were full of people.I was wondering if the game was exciting so I walked towards that court. It was hard to get there because there were really a lot of people. Even the staffs heading there to see the game. I finally found a space. It was the women game which South Korea versus Japan and the score was even. I was really shocked by the full house spectators. Most of them are Korean and what surprised me most Is that many of them got banners or cheering tools. They yelled the cheering songs and slogans loudly to support the Korean team. At the same time, my Hong Kong friend had finished the game and came to me.She as also attracted by the loud cheering sound and was curious about the people. She said, ââ¬Å"It would be so good If Hong Kong would ever have so many people supporting me. â⬠I asked, â⬠Would there ever be that many people w atching squash game In Hong Kong? ââ¬Ë she answered, â⬠Even If there Is many spectators, they would never bring banners and cheer together loudly! â⬠It was a tight game. Both Japanese and Korean players were well trained and passionate to win. I was amazed by Koreans passion to support the national team because when I went out of the venue to another venue, I could still hear their cheering sound.Korea finally won the game. After the game, there were so many questions pop-up In my mind. The first question is why is Korean so passionate to cheer for the team? I have come up with this question because squash is really not a popular sport and especially for women's match, it is not exciting as the men's. I have think of some possible answers. Firstly, since South Korea is the host country of the Asian game, people are proud and so they put their effort in supporting the team. Secondly, because the match was battling with Japan, which Is a country who always has rivalries with Korea, so Korean Observation essay I came across this situation between a Chills employee and a guest. I walked in through the to-go area, to pick up an order. As I approached the register I noticed a lady just standing there on her cell phone ignoring the to-go specialist. Since she was there before I was I kindly waited till she spoke to the young man. I heard him say repetitively welcome to chillsâ⬠in the most friendliest tone ever. The lady was standing with her one hand on her hip and continued to have her conversation on her phone. The young man opened the register and began to count the money InsideIt. After he called her once again welcoming her, but at this point he was a bit agitated and you could tell within his voice. The women finally hung up her phone, yet still made no eye contact with the young man. She looked around the area grabbed a to-go menu, while glancing she said her name and was wondering why her order was taking so long. Already frustrated with the phone call she Just had, she just deci ded to take It out on the young man. Blaming him for getting her food late. According to her it was horrible service.Aggravatingly yelling ââ¬Å"where Is your anger, I demand to speak to him! â⬠with her hands in his face. He calmly said ââ¬Å"yes ma'am, Ill go ahead and call him over here. â⬠The manager approached both of them and asked what the problem was. The women went off saying he was rude because he ignored her presence, never welcomed her, nor asked for her name. Rolling her eyes claiming the employee was on his cell phone, testing people instead of doing his lob. The Chills manager apologized and to please the guest he gave the women a discount as well.After everything was taken care of she put on her black sunglasses ND as she was walking away she turned around and impolitely told the employee ââ¬Å"thank for the horrible experience! â⬠When I went up for my order I made sure I helped the young man clear his name. He did his Job, and he did it very well . The woman was obviously already in a bad mood as she walked into the restaurant, maybe she was having a bad day and that one phone call did not help. For her to take out her anger on a complete stranger is Just not right. Observation essay By bind lady Just standing there on her cell phone ignoring the to-go specialist.Since she was ere phone. The young man opened the register and began to count the money inside it. After he called her once again welcoming her, but at this point he was a bit she Just decided to take it out on the young man. Blaming him for getting her food late, according to her it was horrible service. Aggravatingly yelling ââ¬Å"where is your ma'am, I'll go ahead and call him over here. â⬠The manager approached both of them job. The Chills manager apologized and to please the guest he gave the women a ââ¬Å"thank you for the horrible experience! â⬠When I went up for my order I made sure I
Saturday, September 28, 2019
Fast Food and Traditional Filipino Way Essay
Statement of the Problem Both Franchise offer almost have the same product. McDonalds Philippines, an American fast food company they offer burgers, spaghetti, fries and fried chicken. they also have deserts Mcflurry, sundae, vanilla ice cream on a cone, apple pie, and coke float. Jollibee deserts are mango pie, sundae, vanilla cone twirl, chocolate krunch ice cream, and coke float. Almost the same as McDonalds. Causes of the Problem SWOT ANALYSIS of Jollibee Strengths: ââ¬â Jollibee has grown exponentially on all aspects on operation. ââ¬â Superior menu line-up. -Creative marketing programs. ââ¬â Efficient manufacturing and logistics facilities. ââ¬â It is a stronghold of heritage and monument of Filipino victory. Weakness: ââ¬â The existence of other competitors. -still needs expansion to widen its sales Opportunities: ââ¬â Employees received extensive training so that they could learn the corporate values of integrity and humility. Threats: -The rivalry between Jollibee and McDonald. -Jollibee was reported to have been using earthworms in its beef patties for many years to get customers ââ¬Ëaddictedââ¬â¢ to certain so-called chemical elements in earthworms. Alternative Courses of Action I think Jollibee should offer dish which is popular in the Philippines so that they could have a different perspective from the target customers. This is evident as they are constantly adding its product range on top of their already popular favorite menu, in order to allow its local customers to experience the traditional Filipino way of having local flavored taste in a comfortable setting. The main draw for customers into Jollibeeââ¬â¢s restaurants is the appeal for local styled food offered to Filipinosââ¬â¢ preferences. This is evident as they are constantly adding its product range on top of their already popular favorites menu, in order to allow its local customers to experience the traditional Filipino way of having local flavored taste in a comfortable setting. Advantages and Disadvantages Advantages -continue to improve services to have an edge to the competitors -the company originated in the Philippines Compared to McDonalds -it is more known to Filipinos -affordable Disadvantages -the target market is mostly kids only -some foods were made from unhealthy ingredient like MSG Recommendation Jollibee should involve itself as being closer to Filipino families as compared to its competitors. There is already widespread awareness locally that Jollibee is a local Filipino establishment, which in turn appealed to the mass population whom felt more comfortable in a familiar setting. Tailoring its menu towards the Filipino taste, it positioned itself as the favourite destination for family outings as compared to its similar competitors. Conclusion Based on the information, therefore I conclude that Jollibee will make the company survive for a long period of time without being interrupted by its competitors if they will make their business closer to the hearts of the Filipino.
Friday, September 27, 2019
Customer Relationship Management (CRM) in the Hotel Industry Case Study
Customer Relationship Management (CRM) in the Hotel Industry - Case Study Example This paper illustrates that the customer relationship management process also tracks customer behaviors so that you can clearly identify and act on customer motivation that is unique to your client baseâ⬠. To nurture the stability of a hotel in todayââ¬â¢s global market, managers need to respond effectively to the changes in CRM that have taken place in the last couple of decades in order to remain connected with the customers. As Roberts states, ââ¬Å"in the 1990's companies began to improve on Customer Relationship Management by making it more of a two-way streetâ⬠. Let us discuss how hotel industry has taken a shift since the 1990s until now both in terms of consumers and marketplace. Hotel industry all over the world has taken a major shift since the 1990s. If we talk about the changes with respect to consumers, we can say that hotel industry has changes changed significantly. For example, earlier managers of the hotels used to prepare a limited range of food items that could satisfy the needs of local people. However, after the 1990s the trend of immigration started finding a strong place all over the world, which resulted in grouping different cultures together. This change forced managers of hotels to prepare a wide range of food items to satisfy the needs of people belonging to different cultures. Another change that has taken place is regarding communication with the customers. Earlier, managers hardly used to focus on maintaining a communication link with the customers. They only focused on providing some limited services to the customers. However, from the last couple of decades managers have started focusing on developing long-term relations with the customers. Therefore, they have started reaching the customers through different channels to establish a strong customer/hotel relationship. Changes With Respect To Marketplace Before 1990s, hotel industry was not so big and evolving as it is today. For example, at that time the idea of opening franchises in other countries was not very gripping and trendy. Managers of hotels used to focus their attention towards the consumers living in any particular area or location. They used to prepare the food of the choice of the consumers of some particular locations. Moreover, they used to market new food items and meals in some particular locations. After 1990s, the idea of opening international branches started to find a solid grip making managers of many hotels think towards going global. This idea also brought up many other changes in the hotel industry. For example, managers of hotels have started marketing their products and services to international consumers in order to attract them. ââ¬Å"The 90s truly saw CRM technology and software evolve out of simple database marketingâ⬠(Koble n.d.). Answer B: Let us now discuss the ways the above-mentioned changes in the hotel industry with respect to consumers and marketplace would have influenced Summer Palaceââ¬â¢s CRM strategy and practices. Meeting the Needs of Diverse Customer Base First major change in the hotel industry is the culturally diverse customer base. As Summer Palace hotels are currently operating in more than 50 countries around the world, its management authorities has implemented such CRM strategy, which meets the needs of all types of customers. The reason behind this strategy is to satisfy the
Thursday, September 26, 2019
Understanding Property Markets Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words
Understanding Property Markets - Essay Example Understanding Property Markets On the other hand, real GDP is computed by dividing the nominal GDP by the price index or inflation for that year. That makes it real because it is being adjusted for the price level at the time of measurement. The pattern of nominal and real GDP showed that there was an increasing GDP from 1948 to 2008 but a little decrease in the next years. The gap between the nominal and real GDP shows the difference in the price level over the years. As the graph shows, the large gap between the red and blue curves means that there was a high rate of inflation during those years. So, when even if nominal GDP is reported at high volumes, once it is adjusted to the high price index it will result to lower real GDP. The estimates of the long-run annual growth rates of nominal and real GDP will help us determine the future growth rate of UK economy. We can also see how the UK economy is expected to perform in the coming years through these estimates. This will also help other sectors of the economy in deciding about their participation in the economic activities. As the estimates show rising growth rates, we can speculate that UK economy is also in rising position as to economic growth is concerned. The Gross Domestic Product (GDP) in the United Kingdom expanded 0.70 percent in the last quarter of 2010 over the previous quarter. From 1955 until 2010 The United Kingdom's average quarterly GDP Growth was 0.59 percent reaching an historical high of 5.30 percent in March of 1973 and a record low of -2.50 percent in March of 1974.... Economic fluctuations and economic growth are related (McConnell,Brue, p. 114, 2005). During recessions, consumer spending is reduced or lower but in economyââ¬â¢s recovering period income can be increased as production also increases. The manufacturing sector is being driven by exports, not least to the growth areas on the far side of the globe, but the service sector is suffering from a lack of confidence with consumer spending being reined in (, 2011). From the figures given, we can say that the real GDP can fall because of the small standard deviation. Standard deviation is used to measure the volatility of the business cycle or economic fluctuations. As business cycles become less volatile, economic growth is also in slower rate. But if the volatility will be higher, the economy will be in good position. The graph shows the UK quarterly growth rate in percentage. The quarterly percentage change marked at positive rate shows the increasing rate of outputs of goods and services. This may be the times of peak for an economy. For during these times the economy is at full employment, real output is at economyââ¬â¢s capacity and prices may be at high level. But quarterly percentage change marked at negative may present the economyââ¬â¢s recession. This means that at these times there is no economic growth attained because of decreasing output or real GDP. Contrary to the peak phase, recession may bring output at its lowest level. But if the economy can recover, the output may rise again through the increase in production and price levels. Annual economic growth rate can be examined through the annual changes in real and nominal GDP. These changes can tell us about the economyââ¬â¢s level of performance
Immigration in America Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words
Immigration in America - Essay Example America, in other words, is an admirable place to live and it is a mistake for those who currently wish to take extreme measures to restrict immigration to assume that all immigrants come to this country simply for the money. A common misconception among those who are the most vehemently opposed to lax immigration laws is that people from other countries-especially Latin American countries-put their lives and freedom on the line to make the difficult and dangerous journey so that they can take good jobs away from native-born Americans. The facts, of course, are that most immigrants take jobs that most native-born Americans would just as soon avoid: maids, gardeners, slaughterhouse employees, fast food cooks, etc (Waters & Eschbach, 1995). It hardly seems logical to assume that most foreign residents are not already aware that these are the kind of jobs they will more than likely wind up taking. If that knowledge is firmly in their hands and they still consider the journey to America worth the risk, then surely it is valid to raise the question that there must be something besides the promise of a big paycheck in a glamorous job that brings them here. If the debate over illegal immigration that has heated up to a near-boiling point in recent years is based upon the idea that quality, high-paying jobs are being taken from American citizens and given to illegal aliens, then those who are framing the debate should review the reality of the situation. Beneath that debate is the kernel of an idea that Americans would be less outraged if these immigrants arrived via legal means and took the proper steps toward becoming legal citizens, but would that really make any difference. Immigrants who come here both through legal channels and illegal channels cannot be so easily distinguished. There is literally no Anglo-Saxon who could look at a Latino or Asian and individuate between who is the legal and who is the illegal alien. Discrimination against immigrants isn't based on the knowledge of who has a green card and who doesn't, but rather purely on physical features. It is this fact that prompts an overwhelming agreement among US citizens to a statement like: "why should they [immigrants] pull themselves up by the bootstraps, become productive members of our society, and assimilate into the American culture when government policies make it easy for them not to do so"(Mcgrath, 2005). Assimilation for most of those in favor of tightening immigration laws means just one thing: speaking English, paying taxes and staying off welfare. The fear that immigrants will destroy the American economy by becoming a drain upon the social services is misguided. America lags f ar behind most of the world in offering social services such as universal health care coverage and paid education; logic does not apply when making the suggestion that most immigrants come to America to take average of the welfare state. Since the Reagan era, in fact, social service revenue for native-born residents has consistently been on a downward slope. Immigrants looking for a free ride in should set their eyes on Scandinavia, not America. (Greenwood, Mcdowell, Waldman & Zahniser, 1999, p. 64). The money argument simply does not hold up; what immigrants have historically come to America for are the intangible
Wednesday, September 25, 2019
A healty way of life Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words
A healty way of life - Essay Example There are some individuals who would go to any length to make sure that their exercise regimes are the best possible ones but would these bring any sanity within their life is hard to fathom. This is because some believe that exercising is good for their health which is not the case at times. In fact this can prove to be a hurdle on their frail body, especially for the ones who are weak and yet they indulge within exercises (Sloan, 2006). This is a well known and proven fact that exercising does not need to be vigorous in order to be termed as effective. This is the case because research and evidence of study has been on the side of the people who do exercises regularly yet in short spells. There needs to be a proper balance between what they eat and how they exercise so that their body and mind remain fit at the end of the day. Another important aspect of remaining healthy is to eat properly and that too within fixed schedules. This allows the people to feel good with their domains and they start enjoying their lives in a better way. Eating right does not need to be a boring task. In fact there must be excitement attached with how one eats and what one eats. The aspect of nourishment is very essential towards gaining an understanding of the ways and means through which one consumes food. When one follows a proper schedule where his diet comprises vitamins, carbohydrates, fats, minerals, proteins and other food nutrients, the boring part involved with eating vanishes quickly. This nourishment can only come about when there are concerted efforts by the people who want to spend their lives in a very healthy manner. However, this is hardly the case because there are cravings that the human beings face from time to time, and they succumb to pressure within their bodies, which asks of them to eat whatever they feel like. Hence making food eating an exciting process is a much needed entity in this day and age, especially when it involves so much of time and energy. A lso the price entailed in bringing food to an individual is worth the effort as this ensures that he pays a particular price for what he wants within his life and how he wishes to have it within a quantifiable limit. Therefore it would be correct to state that eating healthy does not need to be a boring job at all. Moving ahead, it has been proven with sound research at hand that eating right prolongs oneââ¬â¢s life to up to 10 to 15 years. If a person eats properly and that too in moderation, there is no reason why they cannot live his life happily. This is because he is eating healthy and then exercising in an adequate manner which in essence increases his life span by 10 to 15 years (Foxall, 1999). Nearly every person wishes to have a long life and if this is ensured with the help of a proper and healthy diet, then there is no reason why one cannot stick to such a health regime and plan. This will also be the basis of knowing how he will enjoy his life and take care of his nea r and dear ones as and when they like. Even though it is a difficult process to eat healthy, it requires strict vigilance on an individualââ¬â¢s part to make sure that there is no point in straying from the already thought out course of action. Therefore if a person wishes to extend his life duration by quite a considerable period of time, it is imperative that he eats right and takes
Tuesday, September 24, 2019
Principles of Banking and Finance Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words
Principles of Banking and Finance - Essay Example The attractive mortgage lending was based on a faulty premise that the house prices would continue rising, thus over-lending by the banks, in total disregard of the likelihood of repayment. When the false bubble in the mortgage lending finally burst, the financial crisis began taking its toll, many loans were unrecovered by the banks and the banks become bankrupt. The third force behind the credit crisis was global imbalances; the developing Asian exporting countries had large current account surpluses, a situation that has been defined as ââ¬Å"global savings glutâ⬠. This situation led to an inevitable influx of capital into the US thus leading to the bubble in share prices in the late 1990s, and the bubble in house prices accordingly; however, the US current account deficits kept going up from the 1990s due to offsetting inflows of capital to the US. In addition, another influential force that was behind the credit crisis was deregulation policies, which had left the exchange rates to be influenced by foreign exchange markets (Evans17); deregulation of the financial sector in response to neo-liberal government policies led to the expansion of the USââ¬â¢s financial sector. In line with the expansions were the emergence of new and riskier financial instruments and accumulated credit; this is what led to the stock market bubble and the housing bubble accordingly. Finally, the credit crisis can be attributed to excess capital in terms of huge sums of capital that had been stashed in the US and Europe at the time (Evans19); this led to stagnation in household incomes, thus constrained purchasing power of the population. This condition led to increased borrowing in households so as to sustain consumption and a built up of debt securities; extensive borrowing to finance consumption spending in turn led to a rise in asset value, but when the rise could not be sustained any further, the growth of consumption stopped suddenly and recession began. Q2 It has be en proven beyond any reasonable doubt that indeed, the US government treated some financial institutions differently during the credit crisis. For instance, when the Wall Street Investment bank Lehman Brothers crumpled in response to the crisis, there was a dramatic fall in the global economy; this was a great blow to the financial sector and many people lost faith in the banking system. However, exactly one month after the bank had collapsed and caused a global outcry, the US congress passed a bank bailout scheme that was labeled Troubled Asset Relief Program (TARP) (Fareed). The Troubled Asset Relief Program entailed taking billions of taxpayer money and using it to bail out financial institutions from the deep pits of the credit crisis; ironically, the same financial institutions that were now being bailed out by TARP had caused the credit crisis in question. Questions have been raised with respect to the way the US government reacted at the onset of the credit crisis; one of the most serious questions that arose is with regards to whether the Lehman Brothers could be saved or not. Thus exactly, why
Monday, September 23, 2019
Dune and The Dispossessed Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words
Dune and The Dispossessed - Essay Example An excellent example of how Herbert brings the principles of general semantics to life in Dune is found in the Bene Gesserit, "an ancient school of physical and mental training for females" (Touponce p.18). For centuries, the Bene Gesserit have conducted a human breeding program with the objective of eventually producing a person with superior mental powers whom they refer to as the "Kwisatz Haderach" or "one who can be many places at once" (Herbert p.508). All signs indicate that Paul Atreides might be that person. To create Bene Gesserit training Herbert combined principles of general semantics with yoga, Zen, biofeedback, and nonverbal communication to produce these powerful beings of superior intelligence and ability (O'Reilly p.60). Meaning in this passage stems almost exclusively from gesture and not from spoken language. Both Jessica and Paul show their respect for the Reverend Mother, but only minimally and without wasted effort. This economy of gesture and language provides for effective communication with a minimum of effort, and is the foundation of "ecological semantics." Paul's actions serve as proof for what the Reverend Mother already knows about Jessica's training of the boy. Paul is powerless and under the control of t... Here, the capitalized term "Voice" refers to an aspect of Bene Gesserit training where, through shadings of tone in voice utterances, a user can control others (Herbert p.532). This passage reveals Paul's understanding of the power of language. Assigning physical qualities to the words personifies their power. The words are "outlined in brilliance," have "an edge," and are capable of lifting Paul "out of his fleshworld." Even Herbert's emphasis on the power of language found in the ordinary spoken word, (i.e. lower case "voice") is evident throughout the novel. At times it is subtle; at others it is overtly stated. An examination of the episode in which Paul makes himself known to the Fremen reveals Herbert's emphasis on language in action. In the epigraph preceding the chapter, a quotation from the "Private Reflections on Muad'Dib," the Princess Irulan, chronicler of Paul's life and times, overtly acknowledges the power of language: "Does the prophet see the future or does he see a weakness, a fault or cleavage that he may shatter with words or decisions as a diamond-cutter shatters his gem with a blow of a knife" (Herbert)).277). The episode that follows represents a pivotal point in the novel for it vividly recounts the Fremens' capture of Jessica and Paul after their ordeal of escape into the desert. More importantly, however, this experience marks Paul's entry into the Fremen culture to whose le adership he eventually will ascend. From this pivotal point forward, Paul faces many challenges and tests over a period of time which serve to solidify his position as leader of the Fremen in their quest for control of Arrakis. Paul matures and develops into manhood. In the novel's climatic scene, Paul and the
Sunday, September 22, 2019
Ethical Issues in Work Groups Essay Example for Free
Ethical Issues in Work Groups Essay Therapeutic pressure, unlike undue pressure, enables members of a group to help each other discover their individual answers without pressurizing them to accept the answers deemed appropriate by the group. Group thinking enhances unanimity, mental efficiency and moral judgement that are appropriate which each person (William, 1995). In the first five sessions, the leader acted ethically since he provided ample time to explore the views, fears, expectations and interpersonal relationships of the members. He also told them about the risks of potential changes that may occur after the session and assessed their preparedness. However, the leader failed the ethical test in the sixth session by asking Kevin to develop romantic feelings towards Lydia yet she was not his partner (Jameson, 2001). Kevin had already confessed that it was against his religious convictions and commitment on monogamous relationship. He failed to respect Kevinââ¬â¢s values and imposed his own belief on the client. If I was Ryanââ¬â¢s co-leader, I would have delayed the role-play experiment until such a time when we could have gathered enough information that does not compromise the values of each individual. In addition, giving Kevin an ultimatum to complete his assignment was undue pressure since it conflicted with his values and the duties he was given (Herlihy Corey, 2005). Although a group leader might have been faced with the dilemma of identifying personal issues that do not conflict with other members, he had to perform a thorough background check to get enough information that could have enabled him to make informed decisions (McKee, 2004). This would have enabled him to respect the cultural diversity present within group members. To develop Kevinââ¬â¢s assertiveness, I would have invited Hannah and coached Kevin on how he ought to treat her in his first assignment. If this does not prove effective, Kevinââ¬â¢s partner should then be included in the counselling sessions so that the leader can evaluate the source of the problem in the relationship. References Herlihy, B. , Corey, G. (2005). ACA Ethical Standards Casebook. Alexandria, VA, American Counselling Association Jameson, R. (2001). Foundations of Ethical Practice in Psychology. Mahwah, NJ: Lawrence Erlbaum Associates McKee, L. (2004). A Historical Perspective Approach for Practicing Managers to Improve Ethics. Journal of Applied Management and Entrepreneurship, Vol. 9, p. 22-24 William, G. (1995). Ethical and legal Issues in Group Counselling. Journal of Ethics and Behavior, Vol. 5, p. 10
Saturday, September 21, 2019
Team And Leadership Effectiveness In The Workplace
Team And Leadership Effectiveness In The Workplace Leadership is defined as the process of influencing the activities of an individual or a group in efforts toward goal achievement in a given situation. In essence, leadership involves accomplishing goals with and through people (Hersey and Blanchard, 1993). Leaders envisage the future; they motivate organisation members and impart values-whether they are concerned for honesty, hard work, quality and taking calculated risk or concern for customers and employees. It seems there is no common definition of leadership , perhaps it is because the leadership concept is complicated and fuzzy. According to Robert Tannenbaum, Irving R. Weschler and Fred Massarik leadership is defined as interpersonal influence exercised in a situation and directed, through the communication process, toward the attainment of a specialized goal or goals. Leadership is about showing the way, by going in advance, and influencing the behaviour of others. It refers to introducing new business behaviour, practices, o r technologies, which demonstrate that sustainable development is possible (Sommer, 2003) Todays business leaders have identified two important factors that could drive success in organisations of world class cadre- continually enhancing performance by becoming faster, better and more effective, and including all employees in Performance improvement can be achieved only by enhancing the processes within an organisation. Since the processes are created and operated by the people, the only way to enhance performance would be through people. Therefore continuous effective improvement depends on the capability of managers to guarantee that each and every one becomes involved in enhancing performance, work efficaciously in teams in order to analyse processes, and study problems to implement solutions. Leadership Under the leadership of Mr. Narayan Murthy, the ex-chairman of the Infosys, the company has ended up being one of the most successful IT companies in the world. Infosys Technologies Ltd is one of the leading IT companies In India and worldwide. It is now a global leader in the Next Generation of IT and Consulting. Starting in 1981, Infosys witnessed its corporate success in a short time. Although the company started functioning almost twenty five years ago, it is in the recent times that it experienced strong growth. Ever since it started the company has had a remarkable growth in terms of revenue. Revenue in 1994 was only US$9.5million but in 2005 Infosys revenue touched US$2billion which was only half this revenue in 2004. There is a saying that Great companies can neither be built nor their greatness sustained without great leaders, the above results clearly proves that Mr. Murthy is one such great leader who lead the company to the success path. According to the Hay group review, a global management consulting firm, of 1249 leaders from prominent organisations functioning in the Indian market, about 60% create a de-motivating climate and do not employ those who can lead. It also found only 18% develop an engaging climate that promotes high performance. So today it is so very much necessary for many organisations to create motivating climate and engage people who can lead effectively. The successful organisation has one major attribute that sets it apart from unsuccessful organisations: dynamic and effective leadership (Hersey and Blanchard, 1993). Infosys took an initiative in this direction and opened Infosys leadership institute where it intends to grow leaders. The Leadership development program at Infosys Leadership Institute targets to produce a collective pool of leaders and shape them to take on present and future challenges in business. The Infosys Leadership Institute offers a wide range of organisational and individual development sessions to expound business problems. At Infosys they believe that a good leader can be only one who uses all different styles of leadership with one of them usually dominating and a bad leader is one who sticks to one style. At Infosys it is not that only the top management gives suggestions to support its vision and manage agility, uncertainty and ambiguity at all circumstances. Courtesy: The leadership believes in taking valuable suggestions from its young achievers in the company. The Chairman diagnosed that young achievers in the company were wavering to come forth with their ideas. These people had a great value to add to the company but could not give in to the discussions feeling in secured of infracting hierarchy. Mr. Murthy communicated to be open minded and encouraged the young achievers to speak. He found that the suggestions and thoughts given by them had a lot of substance and can significantly help the company. The leaders at Infosys are so very much adaptable, bothered significantly over the above issue they built a leadership institute where they can develop and groom leaders from its promising employees irrespective of the hierarchy and provide them the opportunity to help build the company. Today many organisations are facing talent problem, where people are being rushed into activities they are unaware of or assigned to jobs for which they have inadequate preparations. Due to the phenomenal growth of India in last 5 to 10 years people were getting promoted before their time and these people held a wrong perception of empowerment. Even though they had the authority, they lacked in terms of experience and credence to be true leaders. If organisations have to maintain conservative growth estimates, much of todays leaders need to motivate the employees who work for them. If not able to successfully motivate, it would be difficult to keep employees sticking around long enough to progress them into competent leaders. So it becomes very important to have motivating climate in any company in order to enhance its own performance. According to Hersey and Blanchard(1993), in leading or influencing there are three competencies of Leadership: Diagnosing-being able to understand the situation you are trying to influence, Adapting-being able to adapt your behaviour and other resources you have available to meet the contingencies of the situation, Communicating-being able to communicate in a way that people can easily understand and accept. The soul of leadership competencies in Infosys rest in their vision statement which reads as: We will be a globally respected corporation that provides best of breed business solutions, leveraging technology, delivered by best in Class people. To achieve their vision, leadership competencies have been marked along four dimensions: Work, people, technology and business. Each of these is further exaggerated into smaller functional terms in the graphic shown below. Courtesy: The Infosys leadership institutes primary goal is to assist the company to counter the explicit challenges of now and in the future. They believe that by improving the quality of leadership they can handle its phenomenal growth, with stand the complexities of the market and swiftly changing environment, and through thought leadership they can develop higher customer value. Courtesy: At Infosys in order to increase their quality of leadership they use a Nine pillar model of leadership development. At Infosys, for leadership development these nine pillars are functional elements. For the development of leadership competencies at discrete level each pillar has its own distinct importance. 360-degree appraisal: It is method of consistently collecting data about an individuals performance and potential from a broad range of co-workers. This may include the manager, direct reportees, peers and both internal and external customers. It is an organised method of gathering and processing data and gives the employee an opportunity to express on his valuable information. The response received from 360-degree feedback is used as a foundation to direct the person in gaining new skills and improving existing skills all arranged to the leadership competencies model. Development assignments: They are a traditional and powerful form of leadership development. Potential employees are allowed to have experience in various functions through Cross functional assignments and internal job rotations. Development assignments help an employee to gain practical leadership skills outside their zone of experience. Development relationships: Mentoring is viewed as a developmental relationship in the framework of leadership development. In order to transfer and share knowledge and experience, one-on-one relationships in work scenes are facilitated. This mentoring for leadership program is functional and learning from this course will be utilized to refine and broaden the element of leadership development throughout the organisation. Leadership skills training: It is a process by which individuals in the organisation go through a sequence of learning interventions on matter relevant to leadership. A Leaders teach series was formed in which the board of directors including the chairman, the Managing director, and the Chief Executive Officer hold a workshop with help of leadership institute faculty for the development of future leaders. Feedback Intensive program: These are comprehensive behavioural interventions based on informal and formal feedback taken from people that the individual interfaces with. These programs are structured in a way that individuals give and receive feedback in an environment that is non-threatening and could generate a workable plan for goal setting for progressive professional and personal development. Action Learning: It is a real time experience which is time based used to crack systematic, unresolved and real organisational problems. It is termed as a pragmatic process directed at producing a resolution a problem that has been identified by the organisation and a workable plan is designed for goal setting and strategies for progressive development to attain them. Systematic process Learn: It is an intervention that will enable individuals to view the organisation as system in whole which consists of many interacting sub systems. It is intended to yield plan for continuous advancement in systematic processes and details as to how a participant will initiate such an improvement. Community Empathy: The organisation holds a fundamental belief the social conscience requires to be nurtured and improved in each of its potential leaders. And the value of this community empathy aligns with the above fundamental belief. The Infosys leadership holds an ambition to opportunities for potential candidates on a regular structured basis to enrol themselves in cause outside the company that contribute to good of the less fortunate. Infosys culture workshop: These workshops are intended to help individuals to understand the purpose processes and the core values in ambience of leadership development. These workshops have been designed to in a way that allows expansive interaction among the individuals leading to strengthening of the Infosys culture and ensuring enough authorization to assure adherence to the culture of the company. Leadership traits: According to Warren Bennis, leaders should empower their organisations to develop an environment where people feel important, competence and learning matter, people are part of the team, and work is interesting. Leaders should also be creating an environment where standard matters and dedication to work enthuses effort. According to Huczynski and Buchanan, a charismatic leader holds the following characteristics: Visioning- providing a luxurious and extraordinary total dining experience that delights customers, empowering- giving staff a voice, showing confidence and trust, allowing staff to influence what they do, experiencing high standards,energizing- communicating vision, making staff feel part of something special, aiming for perfection, excitement, joy, passion in the work. The transactional leader a leader who treats relationships with followers in terms of an exchange, giving followers what they want in return for what the leaders desires, following prescribed tasks to pursue established goals( Huczynski and Buchanan, 2007) Transformational leader- a leader who treats relationships with followers in terms of motivation and commitment influencing and inspiring followers to give more than mere compliance to improve organizational performance( Huczynski and Buchanan, 2007) Traits that are found most often to be feature of successful leaders as per Yukl are: Assertive, cooperative, dependable, decisive, dominant, persistent, energetic, self-confident, willingness to assume responsibility, tolerant to stress, alert to social environment, adaptable to situations, achievement oriented and ambitious. Empirical research studies suggest that leadership is a dynamic process, varying from situation to situation with changes in the leader, the followers and the situation. Because of this, while there may be helping or hindering traits in a given situation, there is no universal set of traits that will ensure leadership success (Hersey and Blanchard, 1993) Team Work: Teams that can bring and stick employees together to investigate problems to implement solutions would be one of the best ways to increase productivity and product quality. And teams which can continually improve can be considered as powerful tools any organisation can use to ensure employees remain firmly focussed on meeting business goals and customer needs. Employers emphasis the significance of employees working as a team and apprise for people who hold the quality to work in such a way. Team work comes into consideration when there is a need to utilize different strengths of employees and goodness of cooperation. Principles of team work: Understanding the team is very important, as a team member he/she should know the following things: Roles and responsibilities operations of a team advantages of working as a team for individuals(motivation, job satisfaction, pride, external qualification) advantages of working as a team for the organisation (improved results due to increases in quality and productivity) Probable disadvantages of teams(Conflicts, domination) Working relations: Characteristics of a good team member Different working relationship problems with members and colleagues in other groups Team and leadership activities in order to improve team work success Team activities: The team should contribute to constant improvement activities, brainstorm activities, performance reviews, team briefings, problem resolution sessions, question and answer sessions, and team and individual appraisals. The team should be reading and contribute to team boards. The team should use internal network systems or e-mail to support communication. The team must keep displays and visuals updated. Leadership activities: Setting team objectives and goals, action planning, and recognising achievable business targets. Distribution and monitoring of team members, deciding on employee role and responsibilities, team work-load prioritization to make sure targets are met efficiently and effectively. Supervising the team performance against the objectives and goals, managing ineffective and poor performance, encouraging and motivating team members, developing a cohesive work-team through teambuilding approaches, analysis the training needs, creation of skills matrix, mentoring, team and individual appraisals, communication and consultation with management, peers and sub-ordinates and subject specialists, successfully managing conflict and tensions, grievance and disciplinary procedures. Conclusion: This paper shows the leadership in Infosys, one of the most successful IT Company in the world. Mr. Narayan Murthy, the Ex-chairman of the company has been a true leader and shows what a brilliant visionary he is. Under his leadership the company has grown tremendously within twenty five years of its existence. At Infosys they believed that a good leader can only be one who uses all different styles of leadership with one of them usually dominating. At Infosys, in order to improve the quality of leadership a leadership development program was initiated by opening the Infosys Leadership institute. This leadership Institute offers a wide range of organisational and individual development sessions to expound business problems and targets to produce a collective pool of leaders and shape them to take on present and future challenges in business. In order to achieve their vision, leadership competencies are marked along four dimensions of Work, people, technology and business. The Infosys believe that by improving the quality of leadership they can handle its phenomenal growth, with stand the complexities of the market and swiftly changing environment, and through thought leadership they can develop higher customer value. The Nine Pillar model of leadership development is used to improve the quality of leadership and as a consultant I would suggest the other company to use the Nine Pillar model as a basis to develop a similar model to improve their quality of leadership. About the team work it is now evident that it comes into consideration when there is a need to virtue of cooperation and use various strengths of employees. By understanding the principles of team work, and the team and leadership activities to be carried out properly could result in improvement in teamwork success.
Friday, September 20, 2019
International Marketing Environment
International Marketing Environment In this report we are primarily focusing on the issues of marketing a product or a service internationally. The rise of globalization has eased many of the issues that were a hindrance on international trade in the past but at the same time new laws and regulations have replaced the conventional method of doing international trade with more sophisticated but complicated systems as well. The following points have been covered in the report for the literature review of our research which focuses majorly on the global marketing environment and the impact of culture in the international marketing environment. International marketing overview Cross-cultural influence on international marketing strategies Marketing challenges in globalization Ethics in international marketing E-marketing a new paradigm in international marketing Role of branding in international marketing Export-import marketing Standardising global marketing strategy Globalization affecting the economies of different nations International Marketing Environment and Cultural Environment The world has become globalized and international marketing takes place all around us every day. It has a major effect on our lives and offers new opportunities and challenges. International marketing is a tool used to obtain advancement in ones present position and its transaction takes place across national borders highlights the difference between domestic and international marketing. The area of international marketing strategy refers to using a common product, price, distribution and promotion program on a worldwide basis. Setting up business in new market and positioning the product requires extensive knowledge of environment, as well as risk, threats and opportunities might present. It is very important for a business to understand effective marketing, as what may work for one company may not work for them. The company entering in to new market must access the potential of different countries and involves three levels of analysis: The macro-level analysis of the national envir onment; analysis of the consumer market in general; and micro-level analysis of factors affecting the specific product (Morrison, 2009). Assessment at the Macro-level looks at geographic features, economic indicators, demographic data, social and economic structure, and the political environment. The economic data includes the GDP growth rate of a country that how big the market is for trade. Demographic data shows the age distribution of the population as the worlds developed economies have large segment of young population. The social and economic factors indicate what types of employment are prevalent, what opportunity exists for social mobility and what role family networks plays in society. The political factor includes the level of political stability and legal protection afforded to property, including intellectual property. Cultural factor give a judgments the capacity and taste of the customer, for e.g. the countries based on Hinduism and Islamism religion face drop of the sale of meat products during holy festivals, where in U.S and other European countries during Christmas the sale of meat, wine and electro nics are at peak (Czinkota Ronkainen, 2007). Micro-level analysis includes the ease of entry and its costs, the extent of competitors present and the substitute and the upcoming new competitors, and the profit potential. Entering a new market through exporting is less costly than FDI. Retailers recognize a physical presence of the brand in the foreign market. This is less costly for a small business like boutique and fast-food outlet than a large concept of hypermarket. As the large retailing operation is a costly and complex investment. An analysis of competitors will show the degree of concentration and the extent to which foreign investors are active (Czinkota Ronkainen, 2007). Culture influences every part of the business, including the type of products, the way of people relate to each other in organization, staff communication and the values and the goals of the organization. Culture is an important component in the organizations relation that how it relates with other firm, their employees, customers and with an array of stakeholders group. International marketing is often not as simple as marketing your product to more than one nation. Companies have to consider language barriers, ideals, and customers in the market they approaching. It takes lot of planning and strategy to attract the specific group of people you are attempting to sell to be highly important and can serve the number one cause of failure or success (Boone, Kurtz, Mackenzie, Snow, 2007). An established, culture plays vital role in the field of international marketing. Of all the aspects language must be the main and biggest barriers a company has to face when it becomes global. A good communication must be set between the company, its customers, suppliers, employees, stakeholder and government of the foreign country where an organization is settling up its business. Language plays very significant role in culture as English is the globally accepted language but sometime can create misunderstandings. Even after knowing the language sometimes misunderstandings can happen like for e.g. in India, due to difference in pronunciation the sentence lack of rupees may sound laky of rupees. As the significance of language is ascertained, its impact on the elements of the international Marketing mix is indisputable. As the marketing mix should in itself be a product of understanding the consumer, keeping in mind that language is an integral part of that consumer, it follows that mastering the nuances of the new markets language helps the organization to target its marketing mix, namely product, price, distribution and communication, more closely on the potential consumer (Morrison, 2009). Modern organisations across the world are going to great lengths to incorporate customer care as in the integral part of their organisational culture. Staying close to the customer is now considered to be an essential part of any organisations strategy towards ensuring greater sales for example, described the case where a workflow management system is used by an organisation to strengthen the organisational culture towards greater customer orientation, quality of services and performance. (K, Chakrabarty, Whitten, 2007). Values, belief and assumption are the most valuable facets any culture and connecting to the people by their belief is the key ingredient to connecting your idea to people. The culture has become more significant in outward expression in recent years, facilitated by the growth of global media. Outward expression of culture can be seen through television, art, music and buildings. In society, organisations logo, jingle, promotion adds and symbols identify the firm and project its image and value to the customer. Some countries have subcultures and more than one culture exist it gets very crucial for the organisation in term of marketing to send its message to everyone without hurting anyone cultural emotion and values. For e.g. the country like India have many cultures and have big population of major religion of the world i.e. Christian, Muslims, Hindus and Buddhism. So while promoting any product it is important to connect everyone without hurting anyone. Business need to review the important strategy of the four Ps, which are product, place, price and promotion. (Dominici, 2009). Cultural change also depends on economic development and varies from place to place as shifts from rural to urban environments. The economic condition of a consumer is better in urban area than rural and so on market also varies of this factor that where is the right location to be set for the brand. Moving away from rural area to city represents a radical shift in a way of life, not just economically, but also in terms of social and cultural implications. The people living in urban area lead much better life style than rural and so on the market for luxuries goods and products have space where as the rural population like to live on basic amenities and do not spent much on luxury. In developed world, over 80% of people now live in cities. Better education is very essential for any country growth. More the population will be educated; the infrastructure will grow more with new technology. As the educated generation have more adaptation ability to adapt new technology and can be compe titive in environment. Setting up business in any market look for the qualified staff, so the cultural environment matters that qualified staff availability is sufficient. As world is moving to new technology and everyone communicate through fast and shortest way from million miles away in e-marketing world. The Successful e-marketing strategies in international markets will depend on existing infrastructure and marketing institution. E-marketing reduces the manpower cost and reaches to customer quick and can have access anytime. The globe is becoming closer with contribution of new technologies and experiments (Sheth Sharma, 2005). Literature Review: In the following section of the report we have divided the subjects under different headings which give an overview of the factors which covers international marketing of products and services and the way globalization is making the whole world combined into a single trading platform. Following is the literature review of our research findings which is given in a sequential manner which relates to the international marketing environment and the effects of globalization. International marketing overview: (J4) identified two prospects of the international marketing area based on a review of several thousand journals; the dimensions identified are management or marketing and business environment. Given that these dimensions or the part of the similar areas help to differentiate between different types of research, it is clear that business environmental research is a very important area of study; more usually addressed by business and management rather than marketing journals. This shortfall in environmental research output lacks the relevance in the spectrum of research, obviously needed by those carrying out international marketing. Other issues or dimensions related to environmental analysis that is needed to be investigated further and beyond includes the impact of the changing environment on individual companies of different sizes and from different sectors. Market definition can be put in the activity of environmental scanning and it supports the belief or notion that historical analysis is important for the proper understanding of development, international relations with overseas countries and trade. (J19) Similarly an equally important area is the contemporary framework to understand and acquire the knowledge of how changes in the economic, political, social, technological, legal and environmental context of doing international marketing impacts on the results and success of a companys products or services if a sector wise International marketing is done for its products or services. For example, marketing to Iraq in the light of the recent war would most certainly be predicted to be that the proper contingency planning became paramount in marketing departments operating in this market. Forecasts become redundant, distribution channels may have been completely destroyed; networks might have been broken up and the market might have been seriously undermined. Some companies will have ceased operations altogether for the duration. In the above schematic diagram, it has been stated that for international marketing environment analysis, the main division has to be in the form of micro-analysis and macro-analysis, where micro-analysis relates to the regional market of the business and macro-analysis relates to the global trade. (J3) Cross-cultural influence on international marketing strategies: The international marketing scenario has to consider the impact of cultural influences on the business when the business enter in a new market that means a foreign land where there might be cultural differences from the home land. In an era of globalization and global business activity, understanding the cross-market applicability of the susceptibility of the adoption of new products becomes a matter of increased importance, as even companies and service sector firms highly successful in their domestic operations (e.g. launching products) often fall aback when they expand their operations internationally. For example, Kellogg entered into India in the late-1990s. Indian consumers did not pay much attention to breakfast cereals because most consumers either prepared breakfast from food related with starch, so every morning they grabbed some biscuits with tea. Thus, like many of its counterparts, Kelloggs expansion to India proved unsuccessful, and, after three years in the market, sales stood at $10 million (J18). It is well documented in many articles and books that culture of a particular land can have a strong influence on consumers thoughts and actions. Hence, culture can potentially have a significant influence on consumers, which also influences things like word-of-mouth and the behavior through its influence on individual values and group norms. (J7) Similarly, there is also an increased level of criticism where insistence on contrasting national cultures are compared in terms of relatively simple binaries such as differences in individualist versus collectivist culture. (J8) International Marketing Success Corruption Relationship Oriented Culture Cultural distance Physical distance Consumer Resources In the above diagram, it can be depicted that all international markets are not the same. There are some areas where international trade has corruption, nepotism, and favoritism inside them. Relationship oriented culture leads to corruption for example, if a person has contacts with the member of judicial system, then laws wont be as strict for him as it would be for others to setup a business or get any work done. Then again, relationship oriented culture leads to consumer resources which in turn give success to international marketing strategies. The physical distance of the entrepreneur and the cultural distance doesnt matter in this case that much since nepotism is prevalent in a scenario where relationship oriented culture acts for international marketing success. (J9) Marketing challenges in globalization: One of the most important reasons to examine the attitude of firms to that of the marketing challenges of globalization is the diversity of firms size, industry environments and strategy. Since organizations and companies vary in terms of size, membership of the industry and the competitive strategy of that particular industry and their executives which vary in terms of their characteristic even different organizations may perceive and respond to the same marketing environmental patterns differently hence giving a hint of serious implications and challenges for organizational actions and performance. Furthermore, many existing literature supports the view that top managers need to deal with the impact of the industry environment and that of globalization in a judicial frame. (J10) Regardless where the firm belongs it will be on the path towards globalization, hence it must respond to the forces shaping the global environment and the marketing challenges they present. The nature of the marketing challenges is precise and it continues to change and the form they will take in the twenty-first century remains most uncertain. It is however clear that to be successful in the future as well in the present scenario the firm must be an even more astute marketer than in the past. An effective global strategy depicts the necessity to respond quickly and appropriately to opportunities and challenges locally and internationally. (J10) Ethics in international marketing: It is accepted that the wave of globalization is an unavoidable process and will progress forever. All business that firms desire to compete successfully in international environment has to obey to the legal and ethical rules and regulations. So to behave in an ethically and socially responsible manner there should be a hallmark of every marketer`s behaviour, domestically or internationally Hence it requires little thought for most of us to know the social responsibility and or ethically correct response to questions about breaking the law, destroying the environment, denying someones rights, taking unfair advantage, or behaving in a manner that would bring bodily harm or damage. The best guide to good international marketing ethics is: Do not direct intentional harm. Produce more good than harm for the host country. Respect the rights of employees and of all others affected by one`s actions or policies. To the extent consistent with ethical norms, respect the local culture and work with and not against it. Multinationals should pay their fair share of taxes and cooperate with the local governments in developing equitable laws and other background institutions E-marketing a new paradigm in international marketing: The introduction of e-marketing or e-business creates a fundamental shift in the behavior of consumers and the strategies of international marketing. It also adds to an increase level of complexity to the arena of international marketing. However, the specific infrastructure for e-marketing strategies of a country for its different stages suggests us for targeted strategic development of e-business implementation in different countries. (J22) E-marketing is different in terms from general marketing strategies. The market is open for all and uses a very wide platform i.e. the internet, so cultural differences; environmental factors are not taken into consideration often. The primary advantages of e-marketing which gives an edge over traditional formulas of marketing is reducing costs and enhancing reach. The cost of the platform for e-marketing is typically lower than the other marketing platforms such as face-to-face salespeople or middlemen/distributors. E-marketing platforms increase the boundaries for reach and reduce the costs by providing three areas of advantage for customers. First, the marketing firm can provide unlimited information to customers where there is no requirement of human capital. Second, the e-marketing firms can create customized information for individual customers that allow customers to choose and design products and services that meet their specific requirements. Finally, e-marketing platforms c an allow transactions between customers and firms which again typically do not require human capital; there are virtual modes of communication and payments. (J22) Role of branding in international marketing: Branding has tremendous potential for international marketing. However, this potential has not been fulfilled for a number of reasons. Much of the analysis and commentary are at normative level, which debates the relative merits of a global versus local approach to international branding. Additionally, the relatively few empirical studies states that global branding often take a narrow approach to branding, as narrow as just the brand name. These limitations presents the point of separation from the current study that takes a more comprehensive and strategic approach to the role of branding in the market that goes international. The pivotal role of international marketing strategy is acknowledged as a driving force in internationalisation. Using such a pivot, makes a reference to performance measure which is included in the recognition of the role of branding in assessing international performance. Further, a new approach is developing in terms of how branding contributes to more eff ective marketing strategy. Specifically, there are two mechanisms that are added beyond what the existing global branding literature has considered. Firstly, light is thrown on branding-related managerial cognition, which is termed as brand orientation. Secondly, international brand repositioning is also considered as a contributor to the performance.. (J24) Export Import marketing: International business which relates to trading of commodities from one country to the other is called export-import marketing. Export managers and researchers are mostly concerned with basic aspects of firm survival in the international business arena which relates to product quality while overlooking some important points like product innovation and relationship management. Firms that have established or have good relationship with their importers are more likely to realize the potential of their product and the market. Relationship capabilities enable firms to improve the product, come out with innovation hence enhancing the product quality which altogether turns into good export performance enhancement. (J12) EMO behavior Degree of internationalization Export performance Export market dynamism EMO behavior-squared The diagram above presents the conceptual model for the export market orientation (EMO) behaviour which relates to export success. The model proposes a positive linear relationship between EMO and export success. It also represents the hypothesis that EMO shares a non-linear relationship to export success (which is negative quadratic). So it is arguable that the relationship of EMO and export success whether it is linear or non-linear is dependent of market dynamism and the international strategy the firm pursues. (J13) In the world of big multinationals companies, it is a question of thought whether small and medium size enterprises can survive in the export-import arena. Small firms that tend to export larger output perform better. As a result, they accumulate knowledge and result in competitive advantage. But all small firms are not capable of doing large output because all the firms dont have equal level of efficiency in export import process. (J15) Standardizing global marketing strategy: As there have been differences in the thoughts and interpretations of what standardization is, there have also been differences among researchers on the advantages or disadvantages of standardization, and whether standardization is an appropriate strategy or not. The main argument is in favour of standardization which states that the forces of globalization driven by technology were homogenizing markets and that marketers needs to take advantage of this trend by following a standardized marketing strategy. Also primarily focussing on Triad market consisting of the USA, Japan, and Europe suggested that these markets are fairly homogeneous and since these markets were amongst the major markets in terms of share for the world economy that it was concluded that a strategy of standardization was the appropriate one to follow. (J26) The concept of strategic fit provides the theoretical foundation for the study of performance consequences of international marketing standardization. The strategic fit paradigm explains the necessity of maintaining a consistent link between the strategy of the firm and the context within which the strategy has been implemented. The bottom line of the core-proposition is matching the marketing strategy with the marketing environment leads to a superior performance. The concept of strategic fit has played a key role in development of strategic management and organization theory fields. (J25) Globalization affecting the economies of different nations: Firms that align the type of sourcing strategy with that of the knowledge intensive business services (KIBS) attribute should perform significantly better than those that do not achieve the requisite match, thus, managers of firms should realize that the key to superior performance is to have a strategic fit between sourcing the strategy and sourcing the attributes, and it is not to have particularly sourcing strategy or attributes alone in the place. (J14) Globalization has made cross-border business deals easier than ever. The world is getting smaller. Not in a geographical sense, but in a business sense. Starting businesses in foreign markets is increasingly popular these days. With the advent of e-mail, video teleconferencing, the Internet and e-commerce, businesses are no longer restricted to operations in a sole location. Improved trade, favorable tax rates, labor and centers of excellence have almost made it a necessity to have offices or strategic alliances in more than one country. The global economy is a world of new opportunities. Critique of the Literature Marketing and business environment are two particular dimensions which help to differentiate between different types of research, it is clear that business environmental research is a very important area of study; more usually addressed by business and management rather than marketing journals. (J4) Hence the author mainly focuses on the two paradigms in the wide world of international business which are thought to be the pivotal roles for successful and pivotal roles for international marketing roles. According to us marketing is an obvious and important part of International business and so is business environment, but what we feel is the political, economical and environmental aspects are also to be taken into consideration when a wide aspect like International business is taken into consideration, also it is will be ambiguous in our part if we do not interpret what consists under the business environment and whether it has all the required points like social, political, environme ntal etc. In the second aspect author is trying to state that the issues or dimensions related to environmental analysis which are needed to be investigated further and beyond includes the impact of the changing environment on individual companies of different sizes and from different sectors.(J19) And according to us it is an indispensable factor for any kind of business or sole entrepreneurs, that they have to accept change and specifically the environmental change which the businesses of all ranges and sizes goes through with the passage of time assuming that the environmental change also includes price range fluctuation of commodities and services , cultural change in the society and the change in governing policies. As discussed above the author (J3) states in this one that political, economical, societal, technological, legal and environmental changes has to be taken into account when a business is looking forward or searching for its target market in an overseas environment. In an era of globalization and global business activity, understanding the cross-market applicability of the susceptibility of the adoption of new products becomes a matter of increased importance. (J18) and of course it has to be effective and proper understanding is required because change is a constant factor in business environment and if a business cannot accept change then in the long run it might result in the dismal failure of its foundation. (J7) Individualist and collectivist thoughts have to an integral part of International business and are basically the two sides of the coin when taking into consideration the strategies for international business. (J8) As stated by the author that success in International Marketing leads to level increase in corruption and bribery is actually a true thought and is very much prevalent in many countries around the globe (J9) where business is acquired by peer pressure of the powerful and oppression techniques, in these cases product quality, diversity, individual rights are not at all taken into consideration and is actually termed as business malpractice. It usually becomes a success strategy mainly in those countries where corruption is predominantly popular. It might not be the same of advanced countries and might work the very opposite way. (j22) Diversity of the firm size has to be taken into consideration when globalization is put as a forward question for the firm. (J 10) And according to us more diverse the firms ability to accommodate itself in terms of size the greater the output for the business. E-marketing has a new way of marketing there product internationally (J22) and it is of course a new way for marketing of products and it creates a very big and broad platform for the people who wants to market the product in overseas land or internationally. And even the strategies should be different when e-marketing are taken into consideration. According to the author branding is an important part of International marketing strategies but it cannot be a success measure for the business or cannot be used for in success when a product is launched internationally. According to us the literature holds a bit of contradiction as branding may not always work but there are cases where the brand name of the product drives it success whether its in a local market or in overseas. (J24) Export market orientation (EMO) behaviour which relates to export success and it shares a positive linear equation between them. (J13). It actually holds a lot relevance and export market orientation can be equated to the basic foundation of the export business. Where they make analysis on the different markets, different customer trends , different product analysis. It gives and covers all the areas of Political, Environmental, Societal, Technological, Legal and Environmental scenarios and analysis for a successful export trade. The average of all the above factors gives the company or its product the degree of internationalization that it has got. Mainly focussing on Triad market consisting of the USA, Japan, and Europe suggested that these markets are fairly homogeneous and since these markets were amongst the major markets in terms of share for the world economy that it was concluded that a strategy of standardization was the appropriate one to follow. (J26). Standardizing global marketing strategies might not always work as each market is new, as the nation is new and hence a rule of thumb which works for the triad might not work with other markets. Although a standardized marketing approach can be obtained on generic products like wheat, flour or petroleum but commodities that holds a niche value might not respond to the theory of standardizing global markets. Globalisation has already changed many of the world economies and obviously there needs to have a strategic fit where businesses should be knowing the key to sourcing the strategy and sourcing the attributes and also finding out the superiority of each other.
Thursday, September 19, 2019
Was Mozart the Greatest Composer Ever? :: essays research papers
à à à à à à à à à à Was Mozart the Greatest Composer in History? à à à à à Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart has to be the greatest composer to ever live. He and his sister were both considered very gifted child prodigies. He started composing music when he was four and he started to write minuets by the age of five. When Mozart was around eight or nine, he started to write symphonies. Mozart also played quite a few instruments. When he was three years old he was already playing the harpsichord. He also was very talented on the keyboard and played the violin very well. Mozart was so naturally gifted when it came to music that when he was blindfolded, he was able to recognize the played notes. This was said that he had ââ¬Å"perfect pitch.â⬠Another reason why he has to be the greatest composer is that he had the ability to write all the notes of the Miserere score from memory. His first opera was performed when he was eleven years old. It would only take him about two weeks to write an entire symphony or concerto. How many composers can do a n entire piece in such little amount of time? He wrote twenty seven piano concerti, which he also invented. Mozart was never a very healthy person, in fact, he was suffering some sort of illness. I believe that this makes him even more admirable because doing anything when your health isnââ¬â¢t good just makes things even more difficult. One time Mozart gave a series of twenty two piano concerts and conducted a few of them in a five week period. After his father died he became very depressed and his music turned dark and depressing as well. This makes him great because he would write from his heart and that showed in his music. He wouldnââ¬â¢t let a setback like his fathers death keep him from doing what he loves which is composing music. Mozart never stuck to one genre, he wrote many different types of music such as concertos, symphonies, and German style operas to name a few.
Wednesday, September 18, 2019
bell hooks and gangsta rap Essay examples -- Snoop Dogg sexism misogy
In reading bell hooksââ¬â¢ opinion about sexism and misogyny I had to admit to myself that I had no idea what she meant by sexism and misogyny. So, to accurately know what she was referring to, I looked them up on the Merriam-Webster Online Dictionary. For the word sexism, I found there were two meanings that support hooksââ¬â¢ ideas: 1: prejudice or discrimination based on sex; especially: discrimination against women and 2: behavior, conditions, or attitudes that foster stereotypes of social roles based on sex. The word misogyny, according to Merriam-Webster, is: a hatred of women. With these definitions, I feel that both words with their meanings truly expose what bell hooks is telling us what Americans, and it seems she talks about the black male Americans, think of the black female culture. à à à à à In ââ¬ËGangsta Cultureâ⬠¦Ã¢â¬â¢ bell hooks tells us that the ââ¬Ëpatriarchal ways of thinkingâ⬠¦are glorified in gangsta rapââ¬â¢ (116) and I think sheââ¬â¢s right. Although I do not think she is right in all that she says in this narrative. She also says that ââ¬Ëyoung black males are forced to take the heat for encouraging via their music the hatred of and violence against womenâ⬠¦Ã¢â¬â¢ (116), and this I do not believe it completely true. She believes that the black men of America have taken themselves to a new degree in order to make themselves ââ¬Ëhigherââ¬â¢ than black women ââ¬â she believes that the black men should be equal to the black women and that the men should believe that as well. She talks about Calvin Broadus a.k.a. Snoop Doggy Dog (which he later changed to the current title ââ¬ËSnoop Doggââ¬â¢) and his album Doggystyle. She tells us that the cover is degrading toward black women, which it is, but n ot just to black women, to all women. bell hooks shows us that black male sexism is real and it is in Americaââ¬â¢s music. She is correct, but it is not just against the white people of America. Snoop Doggââ¬â¢s album is degrading toward the girl whose buttââ¬â¢s out of the doghouse, but it was her choice for one; and for two, itââ¬â¢s not just black women heââ¬â¢s degrading on the cover. hooks is just placing blame on Snoopââ¬â¢s cover, but she doesnââ¬â¢t say much about his music, this is where the music of the gangsta culture comes to play. In 1993, Snoop ââ¬ËDoggyââ¬â¢ Dogg put out an album entitled Doggystyle, and its front portrait is describing a form of male dominance toward the woman society and one of the dogââ¬â¢s is say... ... doesnââ¬â¢t? Dr. Dre, Eminem, Fifty Centâ⬠¦all at some point have referred to women as objects instead of WOMEN, but why single out just Snoop Dogg? Has he done something even worse than Eminem calling his own mother a whore? Itââ¬â¢s just the music, they are just notes on a page and words from mouths. I feel bell hooks needs to do more digging because Eminem speaks worse of women than Snoop Dogg does, even though Snoop has the pictures and Eminem just has words. bell hooks closes her essay by saying, ââ¬Å"If black men are betraying us through acts of male violence, we save ourselves and the race by resisting.â⬠(123) I believe in what she is saying, but she is one sided. Maybe she is just saying that we, as women, would rather be called just ââ¬Ëgirlsââ¬â¢, ââ¬Ëwomenââ¬â¢ or even ââ¬Ëchickaââ¬â¢, but that is every woman, not just the black women. But, did she even think about the girls (black and white) that like to be paraded around like giraffes at a circus? Did she realize that she is just one person, as am I, and she canââ¬â¢t change the world she lived in? The world is cruel and evil and some of the men in it are just as nasty and immoral, but itââ¬â¢s our choice whether to live in the worldâ⬠¦or in the circus.
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